My Father Dearest


By Lt Col D Purushothaman Pillay (Retd)

My 'Father' dearest, known in his world as 'Appu' alias AVD Pillay, taught me the ABCs & 123s of my life. He first taught me to speak, then later, to read and to write. But then, even before that, from a time I can’t even remember, he used to walk me to sleep, in the middle of the night, when I cried in my cradle, as a newborn.

He took me to school and brought me back, rain or shine, every single school day. He learnt with and for me, taught me my languages, history and the sciences. He taught me - grammar, the tenses and genders, math and multiplication tables, geography, currencies and capitals, to draw maps and the hibiscus flower. He told fascinating stories to put me to sleep. He taught me names of all the trees and flowers in our garden. He taught me how to catch butterflies, ride a bicycle and fly kites.

He taught me all my good manners, my good mornings and good nights along with the sorrys and thank yous. He thus made me well-behaved, kind and compassionate. He taught me to be strong yet considerate, ensuring that I am able to confidently say my noes, whenever required.

He was always there for my stomach aches and fevers. He ensured I reached a Doctor, if ever I fell ill. He taught me first-aid and tinctured my bruised knees and grazed elbows. He even got me ice-cream cones, as advised by the Dentist, for every milk tooth that fell.

He played with me and taught me to run and kick a ball. He taught me my 'Monopoly', 'Ludo' and 'Snakes & Ladders'. He taught me to compete and to win. He took me to the markets, taught me to shop and handle money. He opened my eyes to the world. He bought me my first wristwatch and razor. He also taught me to shave and to drive. He took me to all those wonderful museums, the colorful fairs and even taught me about the stars.

He took me to the movies and circuses and bought all my childhood popcorn. He taught his family to explore the world. He always took us on wonderful holidays, to unseen destinations, every vacation. With him we climbed newer mountains and saw many beautiful sunsets at different beaches, we hitch-hiked, picnicked and experienced new cultures. His fun junkets ensured happy memories of my childhood.

He was always with me, through thick and thin. He clapped when I graduated top of the class, celebrated when I got my first job, blest me at my wedding and wept tears of joy, when my first child was born.

My dearest father, I am so proud of him, he has given me so much, and made me what I am today. He taught me about the joys of life, to laugh, to cry, to dream, to live and to love. 

He taught me, among other things, the virtue of toiling tirelessly. He taught me that, where there is a will there is always a way.  He encouraged living a life of appreciation and gratitude. He always wanted me to hold my head high, living a life of truth, unimpeachable honesty and integrity. Most of all he taught me to always 'Be Good'.

He was my one true friend, philosopher and guide. His, was one broad shoulder on which I knew, I could always lean on and if need be occasionally, fearlessly, cry on.
Missing him so much.......Happy Father's Day to my Dad in heaven!


  1. Random Thoughts- a meaningful read on this day.brought alive my father too ;to the laptop screen

  2. Random Thoughts- a meaningful read on this day.brought alive my father too ;to the laptop screen


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